Washington City Council Approves Salary Amendment, Advances Rental Safety Ordinance


The Washington City Council and the Board of Public Works and Safety took care of business in just a little more than a half-hour Monday night. The only item on the Council’s agenda was the final reading of an amendment to the City’s salary ordinance. The change, which passed on a 7-0 vote, allows the City’s Electric Department superintendent to receive overtime pay from other localities when working out of town on mutual aid emergencies.

The Council and Mayor Rhoads also discussed a proposal for an ordinance mandating regular safety inspections of rental properties throughout the city. Several fires in rental properties, some resulting in fatalities, led the Council to move forward with the Rental Property Safety Inspection Ordinance. A copy of the proposal will be available on the City of Washington’s website beginning tomorrow.

The Board of Works and Safety accepted the bid from Hardrock Concrete for the City’s 2025 Sidewalk and Curb Replacement Program. The bid was the same as last year’s prices. The Board also accepted a farm ground lease bid from the Armes Boys for two small areas of city-owned land. And at the recommendation of Police Chief Derrick Devine, the Board also approved allowing part-time service of a former WPD officer who is returning from military service but is still under military orders. Dakota Hatton will fill in on shifts as needed.

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