Washington City Council Advances Utility Pay Ordinance, Downtown Revitalization Plan, and East Side Sewer Project


Washington’s City Council passed one ordinance and heard the introduction of two others at Monday’s meeting. The Council unanimously approved an ordinance realigning positions in the Utility Department. Council members also heard the first reading of an ordinance setting the pay scale for Utility Department employees during times they are sent out of town due to mutual aid requests from other communities or jurisdictions. This will allow the city to be repaid for expenses by the affected communities. After researching other communities, the ordinance would provide employees working mutual aid two times their regular salary plus lodging and meal expenses while working out of town. There was some discussion as to the amount salaried employees could legally receive. The ordinance will have its second reading at the next Council meeting.

The second proposed ordinance was initiated at the request of two property owners on Sunset Avenue. It was recently discovered that their properties encompass a platted but never developed street. The owners asked the city to vacate the undeveloped street. One resident’s family has lived on his property for nearly 80 years without knowing of the undeveloped right of way. After a public hearing on the issue, the ordinance will be acted on at the next meeting.

In other business, the Council approved a request for support from Youth First. The other Council also approved the Downtown Revitalization Plan submitted by Catherine Puckett of HWC. The plan basically encompasses visions and suggestions about potential improvements and upgrades in the downtown area. Approval of the plan will also help the city attract grant funding for projects. In a related item, the Council approved a request for help funding the Executive Director’s position for Discover Downtown Washington.

The Council also discussed the time frame for potential changes to Washington’s Rental Dwelling Ordinance. The Council draft of updates will be given to Council members for review before the next Council meeting and then made available to local landlords before a public work session on the proposed changes.

In the final item of business, Park Superintendent Kip Kelly presented a proposed rental fee schedule for the Washington Commons. The Council asked the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance to formalize the fees. The proposed fees would allow for the rental of all or specific parts of the Commons complex.

Following the Council meeting, the Board of Public Works and Safety met. The main order of business was hearing a report from Scott Siple of Midwestern Engineers on the east side sewer situation. The current sanitation plant on the City’s west side is close to capacity, and the City has been working for the past 17 years on adding a second sanitation plant on the City’s east side. The city recently agreed to purchase land on the east side of Interstate 69 as a proposed site for an additional sanitation plant. Siple told the Board that a new east side plant would reduce the strain on the current plant and add capacity for development of the I-69 corridor and Washington’s far east side. Siple told the Board the proposed plant would be built in five stages. Mayor Rhoads said the city is currently looking at all potential funding options for the project. When the city began investigating the project during Mayor Wellman’s administration, the projected cost was $17 million. Siple said the current projection is $24 million.

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