The Jasper Police Department (JPD) has received a grant from Operation Underground Railroad due to their affiliation with the Indiana ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) task force, which has enabled them to bring justice to individuals involved in criminal activities such as child exploitation and pornography. JPD has utilized the NITV Federal Services CVSA (Computer Voice Stress Analyzer) tool’s technology since 1990 and recently sent two detectives to CVSA school to become Advanced Examiners. With an increase in investigations and improved technology, JPD saw the need to upgrade their current CVSA II to a CVSA III. The grant from O.U.R. Rescue will help them achieve this upgrade. Operation Underground Railroad is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating child sexual exploitation and human trafficking. They support law enforcement agencies with forensics equipment, training sponsorships, and ESD K9s (electronic storage detection dogs).