Neither Washington’s City Council nor the Board of Works and Safety had much on their agendas for Monday’s regular meetings, but Mayor David Rhoads says that Food Truck Tuesdays are coming back to Washington’s Eastside Park this summer.
The only item on the council’s agenda was the introduction of an ordinance raising the fees for excessive industrial sewage received by the city’s treatment plant. Mayor Rhoads said the added charges would kick in when limits on certain effluents are exceeded. The mayor noted the industrial rates had not been adjusted for 17 years, and the city had to meet the cost of testing the industrial sewage. The mayor also said the fees would not affect residential or commercial customers. In other council business, the mayor reported on discussions he has with INDOT regarding the transfer of the city’s bus system to Ride Solution. The transfer of responsibility is scheduled for July 1st. The need for the merger is due to INDOT’s desire to merge the grants given to smaller systems into larger regional entities.
The Board of Works and Safety met immediately following the Council meeting and approved a payment for the ongoing improvement project at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. The board was told a few glitches are holding up the substantial completion of the project.