Washington’s City Council met Tuesday night for a meeting delayed for a day by Monday’s total eclipse. There were only two items of business on the agenda. The council approved an amendment to the city’s salary ordinance. The amendment eliminated CDL certification as a requirement for one position. The Council also approved the 2023 TID Management Redevelopment Report submitted by Clerk-Treasurer Beth McGookey. Following the scheduled business, the Council heard from City Street Commissioner Aaron Mullen and Becky Guthrie from Ride Solutions regarding the Washington Transit System. Mullen told the council that the city buses have been able to run for the past 45 years due to a federal grant received through INDOT. Mullen told the Council that the State of Indiana is trying to coerce smaller transit systems like Washington’s and Huntingburg’s to merge with larger entities. Mullen said that currently the transit system is part of the street department, but that if it continues, it will need to become a stand-alone entity with an additional $500,000 cost to the city. Guthrie told the Council that Ride Solution serves ten southern Indiana counties and would be willing to absorb the Washington Transit System and continue the bus service with free ridership. Mayor Rhoads told the council that he would talk with INDOT representatives to clear up some questions. The deadline for a decision is May 7.
At the end of the meeting, the mayor said the long-awaited upgrade of the eastern section of old Highway 50 through Washington has begun.
The mayor asked residents to be patient and to drive with care in the old U.S. 50 construction zones this summer.
Following the council meeting, the Board of Public Works and Safety met. The only item on the agenda was the award of bids for the Waste Water Treatment Plant Filter Media Replacements. Richard Burch of Midwestern Engineers reported that four bids had been received. However, Burch said that all bidders expressed concerns about being able to receive the needed parts within the designated time frame. At Burch’s suggestion, the Board voted to accept the low bid from MBH Associates but to grant a time extension on the completion date of the project.