Martin County Commissioners Address 911 Grant, Storage for Cancer Patients, and Williams Dam Feasibility


At the Martin County Commissioners meeting, officials discussed several key issues. A $30,000 grant for improving 911 systems was approved. The board also discussed a request for storage space for supplies for local cancer patients, with plans to explore available options. Additionally, a burn ban was considered due to dry conditions. Commissioners also reviewed the county’s benefits program and discussed the possibility of establishing a building permit ordinance to ensure new constructions are properly taxed. The commissioners clarified that homeowners can still install their own septic systems but must adhere to state-published standards. A $20,000 grant from the Martin County Community Foundation was awarded for the purchase of a stretcher. The county’s required contribution is $1,740, which will be funded through ARPA money. The commission reviewed a feasibility study regarding the possible removal of the Williams Dam. The study includes three options: complete removal, partial removal, or leaving it as is. Concerns were raised about the environmental and economic impacts, such as potential disruption to the water intake for the City of Bedford and the loss of recreational use of the dam area. The project is federally funded and tied to the New Green Deal initiative, with a decision expected in 2026. The commissioners noted that the state has not maintained a former popular campground at Williams, and efforts by citizens to restore and manage the site were rejected by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The deterioration of the site and the potential loss of the dam have impacted local businesses, including a bait shop that relies on visitors to the area. The commission also discussed updating policies related to the coroner’s office, the upcoming county audit, and a potential burn ban due to fire risks from camping activities during hunting season. A new phone system for the county offices is in progress, and a final audit exit interview is scheduled.

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