The Daviess County Airport is expanding. In a report to the Daviess County Council Wednesday morning, Airport Manager Erica Burkemper told the Council that the airport will begin taxi lane and access road projects beginning in the early spring. Burkemper also said plans are in place to allow the construction of additional private hangers at the airport. Burkemper told the council that traffic is up and requested that a part-time seasonal position be changed to a part-time year-round position. The Council approved the request. In other business, the Council approved several changes to the county’s salary ordinance and transfers within departmental budgets. The Council approved a request from the clerk’s office for overtime pay related to voter registration. They also approved moving $2,500 into the Emergency Management budget to pay for a part-time employee to do work previously done by a contractor. The council members also approved funding for the assistant superintendent position at West Bogg’s Park. The position is funded by park revenues and grants and has no taxpayer impact. The Council also approved a request from the Health Department for an immigration clinic to help documented immigrants meet federal health report requirements. The clinic would be totally funded by user fees, at no taxpayer expense.
The Council also approved transfers within the budgets of the Superior Court and Assessors Office and appropriated grant funds for Community Corrections.