County Commissioners Receive Updates on Courthouse Renovation and West Boggs Park Grants


At Tuesday’s regular meeting, the County Commissioners received updates on the progress of the courthouse renovation and on-going efforts to search for grants for West Boggs Park. A representative from Garmong Construction Services told the commissioners that the courthouse was on schedule. He outlined the work done on all three floors and said that crews were beginning to work on the roof.

Nathan Rihm, the superintendent of West Boggs Park, outlined progress being made to improve the lake. Rihm said that recent efforts have improved the water quality, but he said there are still several projects needed at the park. Rihm outlined continuing run-off control and pollution mitigation efforts and their costs. He also said that the shelter house and park restrooms need to be replaced. Rihm also listed several grants that could help the park meet its goals. Rihm also reported that the West Boggs lost several hundred trees in recent storms. Many of the trees were planted in the 1970s.

In regular business, the commissioners approved a contract to use the Montgomery Ruritan Building for early voting in the fall election.

The commissioners also discussed a ten-year review of the county’s zoning ordinance and whether any changes needed to be made. And at the request of Commissioner Ron Arnold, the Commissioners discussed the bonds issued for the Westgate and Olon developments and the EDIT taxes associated with those bonds. Further discussion will be needed on both issues, and no decision has been made.

The next commissioners meeting is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. on July 9 in the commissioners room at the Daviess County Government Center.

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