Daviess County Highway Department Clears Roads After Storms, Plans Bridge Rehabilitation


The Daviess County Highway Department continues to clear the county’s roads after the Sunday evening storms. A very tired Chris Winkler, County Highway Superintendent, gave the commissioners an update at Tuesday’s commissioners’ meeting. An equally tired emergency management director told the commissioners that it appears that most of the of the damage came from

Straight line winds, but that in several areas it looks like small tornadoes touched down for short periods of time. Myers said the National Weather Service is sending personnel to investigate the damage.

In other business, Winkler received the commissioners’ approval for rehabilitation plans for a bridge on Old Highway 50. Winkler said the repairs are scheduled for 2025. The repair costs will be shared, with the state contributing 80% of the costs.

The Commissioners also approved Myer’s request to apply for EMA grants that would provide updates to radios used by county fire departments. The commissioners also heard from Paul Williams and Amy Davis concerning Stop Loss Insurance renewal. The commissioners agreed with Williams’ recommendations to renew the current policy. Commissioner President Nathan Gabhart noted that the county provides $14,000 in health benefits to each employee on top of their wages. The commissioners also approved a contract to lease storage space for courthouse items at a hanger at the airport for $200 per month. The commissioners also approved invoices for repairs to the Annex elevator and the replacement and repair of the elevator in the courthouse.

The commissioners also received requests for several county non-profits. Those requests were tabled pending a budget session.

The next commissioners meeting is scheduled for 8:15 a.m. on June 11 in the Commissioner’s Room at the Daviess County Government Center.

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